We have all been there. October
27th, and you are at 30% of
plan. You have to make up a lot of ground this month, or you will have a not so
pleasant discussion with your boss.
You have 4 days left....You pick up the phone to call your prospect.
You explain that the “deal” that you offered
yesterday is only good until October 31st and after that, it turns into a pumpkin (I’ve actually said that.)
Your stomach is turning… over and over… stressing out… drink another cup of coffee….
You will do anything to get a deal. You need that deal.
You will even sit in the lobby of your prospect like Bud Fox, hoping that the prospect will come out and sign the agreement. The dreaded “Lobby Sit.” The receptionist is looking at you with disgust.
You have dreaded commission breath. The smell of desperation is in the air. And it is pathetic. Really pathetic.
What should you have done to avoid this?
- When you first present to the prospect, explain your sales process. Set the expectation that you will ask for their business, however it is their responsibility to be forthright with an answer (yes or no) so that you don't come stumbling to them at the end of the month.
- Take a deep breath. If you don't make the sale, you will not lose your job. You typically will not get fired from a job for one bad month.
- Don't leave multiple messages for prospects. if they didn't call you back the first time, why would they call you back again. Chances are, he will feel bad for not calling you back the first time and he will actually avoid you, rather than discuss the situation.
- At the end of each call or email, explain what the next step is and the timing of that step. Then everyone knows what to expect. If they tell you that they will move on this project in November, then you know not to bother them.