Like most great salespeople, you probably wrote a business pan back in January.
You probably mapped out exactly what you wanted to earn in commissions, and you worked your way backwards to find out how many phone calls you would make in 2014 in order to achieve your goals.
You also probably detailed your monthly sales goals.
NOW IS THE TIME TO REVIEW THEM, and if need be, perform a reset.
Monday is your day to start over. Take this weekend to ask some pertinent and even tough questions.
- Did you hit your sales goals?
- Did you hit your commission goals?
- Were your goals too lofty?
- Were your goals too weak?
- Were the metrics that you assumed accurate?
- Do you need to step up your cold calling?
- What is it going to take to finish the year off in order to EXCEED your goals?
- Have you made headway with your "Top Prospects" list?
This weekend, I plan to go through many steps in order to make sure that I am on track. That will include changing my goals, and strengthening my metrics in order to accurately estimate what it will take to kick butt from now until December.
If you are disappointed with your sales numbers to date, this is your time to change directions.